Projects and Partnerships

To implement the Water and Sanitation program, PSA relies on several partnerships. Since 2015, SPA has received support from the Avina Foundation which, through three different projects, has contributed to the implementation of seven community water supply systems in nine communities and villages, reaching more than 500 families (2,500 persons).

Under the auspices of the Tapajós Active Forest Program, funded by resources from the Amazon Fund/BNDES, more than five community water supply systems are expected in 2020.

Water + Access Alliance

Since 2017, PSA has participated in the Water + Access Alliance,an initiative of collective impact undertaken by an unprecedented alliance formed by companies, institutes and civil society organizations that act and cooperate to expand the access to safe water in a sustainable way to rural areas and communities all over Brazil.

Together, the organizations from different sectors that form the Water + Access Alliance act through integrated projects and initiatives on three major fronts:

  • Infrastructure for access and treatment – construction, improvement, expansion and/or revitalization of supply systems and distribution networks, and identification of proper innovative solutions.
  • Community water management models – self-sustainable models in which residents organize themselves to guarantee the operation, management and maintenance of the systems in their communities.
  • Integration and strengthening of the ecosystem – promotion of events, studies, communication actions, exchanges and links between public and private actors to strengthen the topic and sector.

Initially formed by nine organizations operating in three Brazilian states, the Alliance currently counts on 15 organizations in eight states, which cooperate in a participatory governance model, benefiting approximately 77,000 persons in more than 200 communities. Through the Alliance, PSA has assisted in expansion, renovation and improvement of existing community water supply systems, as well as implementation of new systems – with particular emphasis on the use of solar energy for water pumping. This has benefited more than 1,700 families and 9,000 persons in 33 communities.

Cisterns Program – Ministry of Citizenship

In December 2017, PSA signed a Cooperation Agreement with the then Ministry of Social Development (currently the Ministry of Citizenship), within the scope of the National Program to Support Rainwater Collection and Other Social Technologies (the “Cisterns” Program). The program is expected to provide assistance to 1,184 families in the cities of Santarém, Belterra and Itaituba, with the implementation of social technologies for water and sanitation access, estimated at more than R$ 16 million. The program, scheduled for June 2020, is executed in partnership with other local organizations.

The implemented social technologies include various models, which are adapted to specific situations, but for the most part include a residential installation of a restroom with a toilet, sink and shower, a well and a rooftop rainwater collection system (with 1,000 liter tank). The residential installation connection to a distribution network with a well, elevated reservoir and filtering system.

“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo

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