Education, Culture and Communication

Cabocla Web

With the objective of transforming young people into active agents in the defense and development of their territories, Cabocla Web is a collaborative platform for mobilization, training and support of youth groups in the communities of Western Pará. With the support of PSA and of other local actors, these teams carry out socio-educational and cultural actions and activism campaigns in defense of fundamental rights for the entire population. Topics include land/territory, citizenship, gender issues, children and adolescent rights, environmental education, forest preservation and valuing the cultural identity of the Amazon communities (indigenous, quilombolas, riverside).

Cabocla Web Pillars

Cabocla Web Festival

The Festival, organized by PSA, provides the closest contact with young people. The program includes round tables, conversation circles, free expression, cultural performances, collective art creation workshops and multimedia projects. The participating groups also plan small local projects related to child and adolescent rights.

Youth Leadership Training

Cabocla Web trains riverside community youth for social engagement, knowledge of public policies and youth activism. This training takes place through debates, reflections and participatory planning of socio-educational activities to be developed in the communities by these young people themselves.

Partnerships with other organizations and youth networks, with Engajamundo being an example, helps to train and promote Amazonian youth activism nationally and internationally

Support to Youth Groups

In tandem with its partners, PSA has trained several youth groups to organize independently. From this work, about 10 community groups from the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve (Resex) and the Tapajós National Forest joined forces with the Tapajós Youth Group which, in addition to its own actions and campaigns, can begin to support the formation of new groups.

Among the projects created through the Cabocla Web is a vertical garden at the Suruacá community school; an awareness campaign on the Statute of Children and Adolescents in the community of São Pedro; the rural radio production “Rádio Mosquito” in Carão; the school newspaper “Conexão Cipó” in Anã; environmental education projects in the Muratuba and São Francisco villages (Parauá); the “Areia Branca” Cultural Identity Festival in Urucureá; the “Olhar Kumaruara” Community Cinema, in the Solimões village; and a dance project focused on health and education in the community of Pedra Branca.

See also

Lands of Learning

Access to education while aligning education to the reality of traditional Amazonian communities is focus of the project’s actions, applied collaboratively with managers, teachers, students and families. Lands of Learning addresses community and environmental education based on the rights of children and adolescents. In addition to extra-curricular activities and teacher training, it supports the Forest Schools, based on students’ own mapping of the knowledge and culture of their communities

Mocorongo Circus

One of PSA’s oldest projects, Mocorongo Circus promotes education in health, environment, community citizenship and other topics through arts education. With participatory methodologies, the activities are developed with the population and imbued with local popular culture.

Youth Entrepreneurship

Innovation and entrepreneurship to help communities face the challenge of rural exodus: these are the foundations of the “Beiradão de Oportunidade” (Opportunity Border) platform, in which young people from the communities receive work and entrepreneurship training. After initial training, they enter a more in-depth course and mentoring program. The solutions found by students to problems in their communities are transformed into business plans, many of which are incubated by PSA and partner institutions.

Mocoronga Communication Network

The popular communication network, established in 1987 by PSA, trains and supports more than 400 young people, in more than 30 communities in Western Pará to act as “forest reporters”. Supported by a head office in the city of Santarém, local affiliates produce radio programs, newspapers and community videos, fotonovelas, comic-style books, blogs and digital media.
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Rádio Mocoronga


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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo

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