Education, Culture and Communication

Youth Entrepreneurship

One of the main challenges for youth is finding their life path. And, for young people living in rural Amazon communities, this challenge is even greater: feeling in conflict with previous generations and seeing little possibility of work informal labor market, they tend to migrate to urban centers in search of better living conditions. Rural exodus is a reality in Western Pará, but this can be changed. Innovation and entrepreneurship are the approaches used by the “Saúde e Alegria” Project (PSA) to help communities face this challenge.

The PSA Youth Entrepreneurship platform primarily promotes the training of young people for work and entrepreneurship, complementing regular schoolwork with courses, training and dynamics. The main activity is the “Beiradão de Oportunidade” (Opportunity Border) Festival, where they first learn concepts of entrepreneurship and are encouraged to seek new alternatives for economic inclusion.

The next step is entering into more in-depth course and a mentoring program, in which participants work together to identify problems in their communities and find solutions to those problems. The ideas are turned into business plans and, finally, they can be put into practice as micro-enterprises, social movements, groups etc.

PSA executes the training, mentoring and incubation program with community youth, as well as its own professionals and infrastructure – especially LabMocorongo and the Active Forest Experimental Center (CEFA) – and partnerships with non-governmental organizations, foundations and universities.

Challenge Fund: support for new businesses

PSA and its partners choose business plans produced in the Youth Entrepreneurship program and offer the necessary financial support to put them into practice. This support is given in the form of inputs, tools, equipment and other materials predicted in the business plans.

See also

Lands of Learning

Access to education while aligning education to the reality of traditional Amazonian communities is focus of the project’s actions, applied collaboratively with managers, teachers, students and families. Lands of Learning addresses community and environmental education based on the rights of children and adolescents. In addition to extra-curricular activities and teacher training, it supports the Forest Schools, based on students’ own mapping of the knowledge and culture of their communities

Mocorongo Circus

One of PSA’s oldest projects, Mocorongo Circus promotes education in health, environment, community citizenship and other topics through arts education. With participatory methodologies, the activities are developed with the population and imbued with local popular culture.

Youth Entrepreneurship

Innovation and entrepreneurship to help communities face the challenge of rural exodus: these are the foundations of the “Beiradão de Oportunidade” (Opportunity Border) platform, in which young people from the communities receive work and entrepreneurship training. After initial training, they enter a more in-depth course and mentoring program. The solutions found by students to problems in their communities are transformed into business plans, many of which are incubated by PSA and partner institutions.

Mocoronga Communication Network

The popular communication network, established in 1987 by PSA, trains and supports more than 400 young people, in more than 30 communities in Western Pará to act as “forest reporters”. Supported by a head office in the city of Santarém, local affiliates produce radio programs, newspapers and community videos, fotonovelas, comic-style books, blogs and digital media.
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Projeto saúde & alegria

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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo