Forest Economy

Agroecology and Repositioning of the Forest

One of the key elements of the Forest Economy is the access to inputs for sustainable models, such as agroforestry and permaculture systems, among other efficient, profitable and ecological practices. Therefore, the work developed at the Active Forest Experimental Center (CEFA), PSA offers community fruit and forest seedlings, which are distributed free of charge to families who wish to plant them.

The availability of the seedlings is the first step toward two fundamental achievements: the restoration of degraded areas in the communities and the strengthening of family farming, with value placed on production, the diversification of species with market value, and the possibility of selling forest repositioning credits.

With the seedlings planted, what comes next? With the collaboration of partners, PSA offers technical advice guided by studies on the productive potential of the communities and the market demands they can meet. The service includes different types of training on topics such as managing the land without fires, cooperativism, financial management and sustainable business plans.

Forest Restoration

seedlings produced
+ 0
acres restored
~ 0

Benefitting approximately

0 families


0 communities

Data recorded as of 2018

Forest Restoration

seedlings donated to the Santarém City Government
See Also

Socioproductive Units

A long-term strategy to boost the economic activities of the forest people: hubs where social technologies are created and tested to then be implemented by the communities. The first one was the Active Forest Experimental Center (CEFA), and two more are under implementation: the Jaguari Ecoproductive Hub and the Forest Economy EcoCenter.

Sociobiodiversity Chains

The communities are inserted in the socio-biodiversity product market through actions that cover the entire production chain: diagnosis of demands and potential supply; combination of innovative and sustainable practices with traditional knowledge; creation of business plans; marketing support; among others. The most promising areas are meliponiculture, production of oils and essences, and organic agriculture.

Community and Artisanal Tourism

Tourism and artisanal production are always considered from a socio-cultural environmental approach. By developing community-based tourism, the people take ownership of the Amazonian tourist industry, ensuring it is ecologically correct, economically viable and socially fair. Boosted by this tourism, handicrafts are enhanced through a revival of traditional techniques, with the sustainable extraction of raw materials and support of entrepreneurship.

Renewable Energies

Essential for quality of life and the forest economy, electricity in the communities uses photovoltaic systems adapted to their reality. Polluting and expensive diesel-fueled generators are replaced by systems that transform sunlight into clean energy and the communities receive training to maintain and self-manage their electricity systems.

Socioenvironmental Business Incubator

The startup incubation model is adopted so that the projects promoted by Active Forest result in a solid, autonomous and long-term expansion of the Forest Economy. Professional courses and training are also offered in several areas, in addition to workshops for the development of proper technologies.
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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo