Community Management

Community management is at the heart of all PSA initiatives, as it ensures that projects continue after implementation and thus contribute to community development models in sustainable territories.

Once communities have made improvements in land management and ensured the land rights of the traditional Amazon populations, the next challenge is developing its own management. Therefore, in addition to developing demonstrative projects and facilitating access to public policies, all efforts work to strengthen local and land organizations, both in the socio-political and economic arenas, so that the populations may proactively construct their own development.

The work involves several approaches, such as:

    1. Local and Territorial Development Plans – residents and their leaders are advised in the development of Local Sustainable Development Plans. Locally, the process usually involves leaders and groups formed by youth, women, teachers, midwives, family farmers and other actors within the communities. At the intracommunity level, it involves representative leaders of the assisted territories.

    2. Technical Assistance and Monitoring – during the implementation of actions, PSA aims to strengthen the representations of the territories (Settlements, Farmland and Conservation Units), beyond supporting the creation of new community groups and organizations. For example, it supports the creation and legal settlement of community groups and permanently advises Intercommunity Representation Organizations, such as the Federation of Communities of the Tapajós National Forest, the Organization of Associations of the Tapajós/Arapiuns Resex – Tapajoara, and the Lago Grande Federation. It is also a partner of rural labor unions from Santarém and Belterra. In addition to providing the necessary support, PSA promotes workshops and seminars on social rights, community organization and citizenship, associativism, cooperativism, among other topics.

    3. Participatory Planning: with stronger representation, the communities undertake participatory management of PSA projects, from planning to implementation and evaluation. The involves the creation of work groups, permanent forums and other structures.

Main actions

  • Community management workshops for participatory planning of PSA initiatives and mapping of the demands of the communities and the territories;
  • Assistance in creation of local associations, co-ops, federations, networks and community forums;
  • Leadership training courses, as well as training on associativism and cooperativism;
  • Seminars for debates and articulations of demands, policies and strategies of territorial development;
  • Permanent forums for participatory management of PSA projects.

See also

Land Management

Still a major challenge in the Amazon due to economic pressures and the lack of adequate public policies, land management is still essential for the conservation of the forest and for the sustainable development of the communities that inhabit it. In addition to the socio-economic and cultural projects aimed at the local populations, PSA works to strengthen Conservation Units in Western Pará, and to support threatened lands and social groups and to defend the rights of these populations

Networks and Collaboration

Collaboration with many community representatives, such as grassroots organizations, associations and local groups enables the communities to participate in the planning and implementation of the projects, in addition to empowering them to continue these projects and exercise their citizenship in defense of their rights. PSA also collaborates with public bodies and national and international social actors (such as NGOs, foundations and networks) to enable projects and to create more appropriate public policies in the region.

Dissemination and Replication of Experiences

From Western Pará to the Amazon, from the Amazon to Brazil, from Brazil to the world. Participants in PSA projects become replicators of these experiences in other communities of the Amazon region. In addition, PSA systematizes solutions so that they can be properly implemented in other locations. This is the case of the Abaré hospital-boat, which is the basis for the Riverside Family Health public policy, and social technologies for access to water and sanitation, both used by governmental programs in partnership with other social organizations.
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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo

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