Land Management

Land Management is still a great challenge in the Amazon. Predatory occupation, which destroys the forest and its ecosystems and affect the rights of local populations, is the result of not only unsustainable economic models, but absence of the State and of appropriate public policies for the use of land and their natural resources.

The Tapajós River basin, for example, one of the main logistic corridors of the country, is a hub for transporting and exporting grains. Despite the many works already underway (highways, waterways, railways and ports, other than hydropower plants and mining), there is no study on the impacts associated with these investments. Rather than proper mechanisms for consultations and compensation to the local communities, there is a new increase in deforestation, as well as land and socio-environmental conflicts. The region is one of the last frontiers of the predatory occupation process of the Amazon.

PSA actions for land management are aimed at:

  • Strengthening Conservation Units where we act, assisting in their socio-economic viability and ensuring that communities feel a sense of control over their territories through sustainable socio-economic projects to counteract predatory models as well as joint efforts to access public policie;

  • Supporting territories and threatened social groups that need protection and land management to maintain their environmental functions for the country and the planet, so as to ensure the rights of the populations that inhabit them;

  • Participation and advocacy in the processes of planning and defining territorial scenarios and public policies for the Amazon.

The goal of all work is developing inclusive and replicable socio-environmental strategies in order to not only increase quality of life for traditional populations, but to provide demonstrable references to strengthen policies for Amazon Region Protected Areas.

Social Cartography

To support territorial management actions, PSA develops participatory social cartography, which is a detailed mapping of social processes – ancestral and current – of land use, with the participation of the communities themselves.

The resulting mapped documents serve as a strategic tool for these communities to better manage their own lands, promoting their social, economic and environmental development. The information gathered is essential in fighting land-grabbing and undue appropriation of natural resources, in addition to serving as a basis for land regulation and public policies aligned with the reality of the communities.

See also

Community Management

By supporting the development of sustainable development plans, advising community organizations and promoting participatory management, PSA ensures that the communities give continuity to the projects after their implementation and thus contribute to community development models in sustainable territories.

Networks and Collaboration

Collaboration with many community representatives, such as grassroots organizations, associations and local groups enables the communities to participate in the planning and implementation of the projects, in addition to empowering them to continue these projects and exercise their citizenship in defense of their rights. PSA also collaborates with public bodies and national and international social actors (such as NGOs, foundations and networks) to enable projects and to create more appropriate public policies in the region.

Dissemination and Replication of Experiences

From Western Pará to the Amazon, from the Amazon to Brazil, from Brazil to the world. Participants in PSA projects become replicators of these experiences in other communities of the Amazon region. In addition, PSA systematizes solutions so that they can be properly implemented in other locations. This is the case of the Abaré hospital-boat, which is the basis for the Riverside Family Health public policy, and social technologies for access to water and sanitation, both used by governmental programs in partnership with other social organizations.
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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo

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