Forest economy

Renewable Energies

The lack of electric energy is a reality in many communities of Western Pará and is a roadblock to the socio-economic development of riverside residents, in addition to affecting their quality of life. As such, PSA also works to provide rural electricity access as part of the Active Forest program to support the Forest Economy.

Through partnerships with private entities and public bodies, PSA presents electricity solutions adapted to the reality of off-the-grid Amazonian communities: implementation of custom-made photovoltaic systems and training of residents for the proper use and maintenance of these systems. As a result, polluting, expensive, inefficient, and unreliable diesel-fueled generators have been replaced by systems that use sunlight to power lighting, pump water, refrigerate food, and connect televisions, radios, and the Internet.

Sistemas Implantados

Carão Community – Tapajós-Arapiuns Resex

We have installed photovoltaic solar energy in:

Residences and 4 isolated communities
Water supply systems
Communities assisted
Health Centers
Digital inclusion telecenters
Community inns
Community telecenters with solar energy kit to access Wi-Fi internet
Portable solar lanterns distributed along the
Arapiuns River
Hybrid (solar diesel) water pumping systems
+ 0
System at CEFA

Future facilities in the Arapiranga indigenous village, which will benefit

0 families

Data as of August 2019

See also

Unidades Socioprodutivas

A long-term strategy to boost the various economic activities of the forest people: hubs where social technologies are created and tested to then be implemented by the communities. The first one was the Active Forest Experimental Center (CEFA), and two more are underway: the Jaguari Ecoproductive Hub and the Forest Economy EcoCenter.

Cadeias da Sociobiodiversidade

The communities are inserted in the socio-biodiversity product market through actions that cover the entire production chain: diagnosis of demands and potential supply; combination of innovative and sustainable practices with traditional knowledge; creation of business plans; marketing support; among others. The most promising areas are meliponiculture (bee keeping) production of oils and essences and organic agriculture.

Turismo de Base Comunitária e Artesanato

Tourism and artisanal production are always considered from a socio-cultural environmental approach. By developing community-based tourism, the people take ownership of the Amazonian tourist industry, ensuring it is ecologically correct, economically viable and socially fair. Boosted by this tourism, handicrafts are enhanced through a revival of traditional techniques, with the sustainable extraction of raw materials and support of entrepreneurship.

Agroecologia e Reposição Florestal

The support for the implementation of sustainable agricultural models ranges from the distribution of fruit and forest species seedlings to technical advice to producers, including training. The project aims to restore degraded areas in the communities and, at the same time, strengthen family farming.

Incubadora de Negócios Socioambientais

The startup incubation model is adopted so that the projects promoted by Active Forest result in a solid, autonomous and long-term expansion of the Forest Economy. Professional courses and training are also offered in several areas, in addition to workshops for the development of proper technologies.
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“CEAPS” – The Center for Advanced Studies on Social and Environmental Promotion, a non-profit civil institution founded in 1985, legally represents PSA.
You may support this project in many different ways: by making direct donations, donating materials and equipment, or through volunteer work.

Projeto Saúde & Alegria © 2020

Agência Fervo

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